A Tale of Two Locations: Wolfkeeper North

Jul 13, 2018

At C-Dog we are incredibly proud to now have our second location in Little Italy at 921 S Loomis Street. In conjunction with our partnership with the Road Home program at Rush, we wanted to have a location where we could be in close proximity to them. Because we are less than a mile away from their facility, it’s incredibly easy for us to collaborate with veterans as a part of their program. The vibrant and culture-filled community of Little Italy is the final accent to our wellness center. In order to best serve our veterans, our mission at this location is more than providing service dogs. We want to take the time to connect with our servicemen and women and ensure that not only is everything going well with regards to their service dogs, but also in regards to their lives in general.

Wolfkeeper North came into existence out of the desire to help veterans or their families who may be suffering from PTSD, MST, or TBI. The loving power of a dog is unlike anything in this world and being able to put that power into the hands of our veterans can do wonders for mental health. Having the opportunity to have an entirely new location, effectively doubling our ability to help people, is humbling. We hope to stand as a member of the community with the desire to help our veterans in any way we can.