Destination Seminar in Mallorca, Spain! March 2018

Feb 16, 2018

¡Wolfkeepers amor viajes internacionales!

If you love to travel and are interested in a 2-day seminar led by Toriano Sanzone, the Wolfkeeper, join us in Mallorca, Spain! The seminar will be held in Palma on March 24-25, 2018. You will learn from Toriano himself about how to properly train your dog, about how to manage your energy and your dog’s energy, and Toriano’s very own DOGA, or doggie yoga, techniques! You will also get a peak into the world of app development as you learn the ins and outs of C-Dog’s latest dog training app!

If you are up for even more of an adventure, stay in Mallorca through April 1st as we tour the island! Join us for VIP events and parties and learn how the locals of Mallorca live!

$2500 includes airfare, housing (hotel or local airbnb), touring of the island with the Wolfkeeper team, and of course, the 2-day seminar.